
The initiator of the project is the association JYA MUBANDI MWANA, with administrative seat in Nyacyonga, JABANA section, Gasabo district , Kigali.
This non-profit association, without any political or religious bond, was founded in 2002 with the aim to improve the socio-economic conditions of persons with disabilities. The Association JYA MUBANDI MWANA has legal personality and is registered with the local authority for the exercise of its activities.
A global introduction about Jya Mu Bandi Mwana: More information......
Contact person : MUKAMUNANA Xaverine, Coordinator
The corn cereal is very productive in Rwanda. It is a staple food, very storable and rich in sugar proteins, lipids, vitamins and predominant mineral salts. Despite this importance and nutritional content, this product is frequently consumed raw or cooked, that fact that the production of corn is not valued and its added value is almost insignificant.
1 Kg of corn cost 300 FrRw while 1 kg of flour of corn cost 400 indeed. It is to clarify that 1 kg of corn (residue after processing) cost 100 FrRw , and is effective in the diet of cattle especially in poultry as well as in dairy cattle.
In the human diet corn flour is mainly used in the preparation of dough and porridge which are very energy rich . With the aim to ensure the basic nutrition of the children in the centre of Nyocyangoga, JYA MUBANDI MWANA wants to start up this project.
The project consists of the acquisition and treatment of corn grains in the centre. So will the produced corn flour partly be used as food for the children in the centre and partly for sale to insure its own financing.
The direct target group of the project are the children of the Centre Nyacyonga, JYA MU BANDI MWANA, with a total of 60 children (38 girls and 22 boys).
- The will as expressed by the target group with regard to the implementation of the project
- The required basic infrastructure within the environment (electricity, drinking water and paved main road) which must guarantee the technical feasibility of the project
- The market for corn flour is insured in the environment and in the city of Kigali
- An available area for performing the processing of corn
- The sensitivity of the local authorities with regard to the implementation of the project
- The good cooperation between JYAMUBANDIMWANA and other partners
- The profitability of the project of processing of corn
- The capacity for management of similar projects of JYAMUBANDIMWANA
Specific objectives |
Expected results |
Objective measurable indicators |
Increase revenue and securing food for the centre
Increase by 35% of the revenue of the centre and the food ensuring for children |
The degree of food ensuring at the level of the Centre
The degree of increase of revenues of the centre
Creation of jobs for the children of the centre |
The youth of the centre to be employed in the treatment of corn |
The number of beneficiaries who work in the processing unit of corn |
Improving the social conditions of the children with disabilities in the centre Nyacyonga |
Food supplies for the children of the centre is insured
The social living conditions of the direct target group are improved
The level of the food supplying in the heart of the centre
The level of improvement of the social conditions of the direct beneficiaries |
No |
Object |
Unit |
Amount |
Unit price in FrRw |
Total price in FrRw |
Requested funds |
Contribution by the Association |
1 |
Construction of hangar for machines |
Field preparation |
h/day |
10 |
5 000 |
50 000 |
- |
50 000 |
Ground works |
h/day |
15 |
10 000 |
150 000 |
- |
150 000 |
Foundation |
h/day |
10 |
5 000 |
50 000 |
- |
50 000 |
Increment terrain |
h/day |
10 |
5 000 |
50 000 |
- |
50 000 |
Roof |
h/day |
5 |
5 000 |
25 000 |
- |
25 000 |
Pavement |
h/day |
3 |
5 000 |
15 000 |
- |
15 000 |
Door |
piece |
1 |
30 000 |
30 000 |
- |
30 000 |
Cement |
piece |
30 |
11 500 |
345 000 |
- |
345 000 |
Sand |
truck |
4 |
60 000 |
240 000 |
- |
240 000 |
Debris |
truck |
4 |
50 000 |
200 000 |
- |
200 000 |
Roofing tiles |
piece |
30 |
9 500 |
285 000 |
- |
285 000 |
Nails |
kg |
15 |
3 000 |
45 000 |
- |
45 000 |
Wood |
piece |
66 |
1 500 |
99 000 |
99 000 |
T1 |
1 584 000 |
0 |
1 584 000 |
2 |
Machines and material |
Bark machine |
piece |
1 |
1 500 000 |
1 500 000 |
1 500 000 |
- |
Operating machine |
piece |
1 |
2000 000 |
2000 000 |
2 000 000 |
Installation machine |
h/day |
1 |
150 000 |
150 000 |
- |
150 000 |
Dynamo |
piece |
2 |
1000 000 |
2 000 000 |
2 000 000 |
- |
Balance (small) |
piece |
1 |
85 000 |
85 000 |
- |
85 000 |
Bag 50kg |
piece |
1500 |
300 |
450 000 |
200 000 |
250 000 |
Machine for sewing bags |
piece |
1 |
400 000 |
400 000 |
400 000 |
- |
Fiber |
roll |
5 |
10 000 |
50 000 |
50 000 |
- |
Transport |
truck |
1 |
200 000 |
200 000 |
- |
200 000 |
Bucket |
piece |
5 |
1 000 |
5 000 |
- |
5 000 |
Wheelbarrow |
piece |
2 |
50 000 |
100 000 |
- |
100 000 |
Broom |
piece |
3 |
2 500 |
7 500 |
- |
7 500 |
Scrub wiper |
piece |
3 |
2 000 |
6 000 |
- |
6 000 |
Overall |
piece |
4 |
10 000 |
40 000 |
- |
40 000 |
T2 |
5 993 500 |
5 150 000 |
843 500 |
3 |
Operation |
Purchase of cereals including transport |
kg |
600 |
3 000 |
1 800 000 |
1 800 000 |
- |
Wage technician production unit |
month |
12 |
85 000 |
1 020 000 |
- |
1 020 000 |
Working hours
(x 2)
12 months |
month |
24 |
35 000 |
840 000 |
- |
840 000 |
Electricity |
days |
360 |
2 000 |
720 000 |
- |
720 000 |
T3 |
4 380 000 |
1 800 000 |
2 580 000 |
11 957 500 |
6 950 000 |
5 007 500 |
According to the table budget, total amount : 11 957 500 FrRw
Contribution by the association JYA MUBANDI MWANA : 5 007 500 FrRw
Requested funds : 6 950 000 FrRw
(exchange rate Feb 26th 2012 : 811,4 FrRw= 1 euro)
= 8.565 Euro
Follow-up of the project
October 2012
Dear correspondents,
A brief report of the corn-project:
The project in question, to be financed for approximately 7,000,000 RwFr, was implanted in the neighborhood of the center 'Jya Mubandi Mwana' in order to give the young people, who are in a disabled situation, a chance to learn a profession and just as much to contribute to the quality of their food.
Here is what the output of the workshop make possible in their daily life:
- purchase school materials
- purchase nutritional food products
- transport in the context of meetings with other disabled young people for the Olympic games
- etc. ..
Thank you for your understanding and if you have a concern, please do not hesitate to contact us
Xavérine - coordinator
The project has been started in the beginning of the year. Xaverine with the mil on the picture.
More pictures: clic here.
